Expedition in the Altai Mountains


Last Update il y a 3 ans

On April 24, in the Charyshsky district of the Altai Territory, the IntelexGlobal team implemented the project "Let's Plant a Tree Together". During the expedition, within the framework of this project, 8 thousand trees were planted: 4 thousand cedars and 4 thousand larches.

The International investment Company "IntelexGlobal" and its exclusive representative in Russia, the business project "Welfare", fully took over the financing of this project.

On April 28, in Barnaul, we took part in the international conference on "Adaptation to Climate Change", which is being held at the Altai State Technical University named after I. I. Polzunov with the support of the Moscow Institute of Climate and Ecology.

We would like to express our gratitude for such close and large-scale cooperation in the implementation of this Altai forest project "Let's Plant a Tree Together" to some people: to Sergey Belousov, Senator of the Federation Council from the Altai Territory, to Andrey Stetsenko, President of the Center for Environmental Innovations and Dean of Moscow State University,

and to Federal News Service, our information partner.

We hope that this precedent of the participation of investment companies and business projects in the pilot environmental project will become an example for all of us to act.

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